'Blade Runner - The Final Cut' (2007)
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer, Daryl Hannah
SYNOPSIS: "Film noir meets science fiction when a 21st-century ex-cop is given the job of hunting down a gang of replicants - genetically engineered androids with a limited lifespan - who have mutinied and returned to Earth seeking to override their mortality. Set in an age where galactic migration has left only the dregs of humanity behind on a ravaged planet, this visually stunning and brutal film is widely regarded as a cult classic. Based on the novel 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?' by Philip K Dick." (bbc.co.uk)
It's not the first time I've mentioned this version of Ridley Scott's 'Blade Runner' but with the film being such a seminal science fiction classic, it seems wise to direct people to it once more. Originally released in 1982, this version was released on DVD in 2007.
Strangely, the released 'Director's Cut' of the film was not fully overseen by Ridley Scott making this 'Final Cut', the definitive portrayal of Scott's vision. Read more about the differences between the several versions available of the film on Wikipedia.
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