Listen: Victoria And Jacob - With No Certainty

on Monday, April 05, 2010
Easter is a time for chocolate eggs and stories about some Spanish bloke called Jesus. I have a story of my own to share today. Obviously, a York Notes (or Cliffs Notes if you're an American) version so I don't bore you to death.

Victoria And Jacob - With No Certainty (artwork)
I'm on the way home from a night out, listening to some music. Woman on the tube asks me what I'm listening to. Obviously drunk as no-one would initiate a conversation on public transport otherwise. Least of all with me. Anyway, I told her that it was experimental pop duo Victoria & Jacob.

After her initial "WTF?" expression, she yanks my earphones out and has a listen for herself. Ten seconds later, she proclaims they are "shit". She turns out to be quite nice really. And no, I wasn't in there. In fact, her boyfriend was fairly embarrassed that she started harassing me. Then he started telling me how he was into The Mars

Back to the point in hand, Victoria & Jacob are pretty great. New single 'With No Certainty' is probably the best thing the duo have done. They have changed tack somewhat, a bit like the NME (check out the new cover here). Whereas previous release 'Clash'* was seen as some mish mash of Kate Nash and acoustica, this single has more of an electronica vibe. Hypnotic beat-laden pop. You can even download it off their SoundCloud below. At the time of writing, only 3 other people have downloaded it. Let's hope this hidden gem doesn't stay hidden.

*Download 'Clash' off their page too. I recommend it.

'With No Certainty' is out today on ltd ed 7". Buy one of the 200 copies here.

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