The albums I'll be rewarding are generally consistent, vibrant and inventive. Often, they are all three. The Mercury Music Prize appears to operate in a similar fashion, although I'm not sure where M People fit into their criteria exactly. Consequently, I would hardly be surprised to discover that none of the artists that I am suggesting are not in the final shortlist of nominees. With that said, let's get on.
Fight Like Apes - Fight Like Apes and the Mystery of the Golden Medallion
They may have lost out to Jape in the Choice Music Prize, the Irish version of the Mercury Music Prize but that's not going to stop me from nominating Fight Like Apes' exhilirating debut record. A dynamic expression of synth-punkery.
Dan Black - Un
Released just last week, it is unlikely that Dan Black's debut solo effort will be recognised by the Mercury judges. For me however, 'Un' melds electro, hip hop and pop effortlessly producing a gloriously forward-thinking album. Less all night disco party and more serene sunset beach picnic.
Thomas Tantrum - Thomas Tantrum
Attractive frontwoman? Check. Spiky infectious pop tunes? Check. Thousands of album sales? Alas, not so. Thomas Tantrum have the ingredients for massive success and a nomination for the Mercury Music Prize could push them towards bigger things. 'Thomas Tantrum' may be whimsical but it is also full of thrilling youthful vitality.
Grammatics - Grammatics
The fact that Grammatics are being talked about as genuine contenders for this year's Mercury Music Prize is both pleasing and surprising. While I would not disagee that Grammatics' eponymous debut album is top heavy, it is also an epic operatic pop odyssey that deserves its praise.
Here's hoping at least one of the artists I have suggested will make the list. Then again, wouldn't it be amazing if one of these actually won it? I wouldn't put a bet on it though. Well, until the nominations are announced tomorrow (July 21st) anyway.