A Futureheads comparison is almost inevitable what with the slight geographical and musical closeness of the two bands but DARTZ! are much more than just an angular tribute band. Q And Not U and The Dismemberment Plan are often mentioned in their reviews but with influences such as Bjork and Dilinger Escape Plan, expect the unexpected. And considering I have no idea what the hell they're singing about, you can feel some At The Drive-In stylings.
'Once, Twice, Again!'is one of the best pop songs ever. It's compellingly vibrant without a sign of pretension in sight - this is just hypnotic, pulsating pop. First, your head starts nodding, then your foot starts tapping and before you know it, you're out there making a prat of yourself on the dancefloor. It's all worth it for DARTZ! though.
DARTZ! - Once, Twice, Again!
Pringles might have come up with the slogan "once you pop, you just can't stop" and DARTZ! seem to agree with new single 'St.Petersburg' being another slice of dazzling pop genius. Lasting a miserly two and a bit minutes, they manage to cram in some despair, a nice little breakdown that mentions Japanese cars and from then on, a chaotically energetic last minute of jagged pop. This is also the first taste of their forthcoming album entitled 'This Is My Ship' out early next year. Can't wait!
You can find a video for St.Petersburg and listen to DARTZ! tracks on their MySpace [link]