"They have the tight jerky eccentricity of The Futureheads, the ramblings of Chas and Dave and all in a little bundle of close harmony singing and sharper than thou riffs." Artrocker
Hot Club de Paris are John Kennedy of XFM's favourite new band of 2006 (and with the amount of bands he loves, that's quite something!). They're mine too. Why? The NME have said "this trio display a manic charm that is utterly unique", and it's this charm that makes them instantly loveable.
The thing with Hot Club de Paris is that they're a bit unpredictable and that results in some interesting times. For instance, they cancelled a whole bunch of gigs so they could finish recording their debut album at Elevator Studios in their home town of Liverpool. That included turning down performing at the South By South West festival in the States too. Mentalists.Then there was their majestic live performance at the Great Escape festival in May (link). From the acapella harmonies to the beatboxing to the mask of zorro t-shirt - it was sheer madness, but complete brilliance.
They're currently supporting Sheffield young un's Milburn on tour and will hit most of the UK throughout the next few months (see their MySpace for the dates).
Sometimesitsbetternottostickbitsofeachotherineachother is out on July 24th. Preorder from HMV. Their debut album is out in September on Moshi Moshi records, produced by Tim Speed.
Hot Club de Paris - Your Face Looks All Wrong
Hot Club de Paris - Shipwreck
Hot Club de Paris - Sometimesitsbetternottostickbitsofeachotherineachother (Demo)