Sadly, however the festival didn't quite fulfil its initial promise but I'll cover that in the final part of the Great Escape trilogy of posts. Onto the bands...
Pressure Point, 7pm: You Say Party! We Say Die!
"YSP!WSD!'s insanely catchy beats and viciously fun live show are reaching fever pitch in Vancouver's indie rock scene."
We say: Die. Not really, but even if we ignore slightly irritating frontwoman Becky Ninkovic, they were a bit of a mess. Disappointing.
Audio, 8pm: Action Plan
"the lovechild of Trail Of Dead's mental-ness and Interpol's sexy dark fury, making sh*t-kicking, guitar-mangling mini anthems with great shouty bits."
A marked improvement from when I last saw them over a year ago, very impressive.
Action Plan - Stendhal
Buy Stendhal from Puregroove.
We caught a fair bit of The Tenderfoot, whose acoustic affair was a bit too unexciting so we returned to the Audio to catch some of Tinydancers, whose acoustic-led pop was surprisingly entertaining.
Audio, 10pm: The Spinto Band

Absolutely fantastic. Such was their effect on the audience, two young females started kissing halfway through the set. Tongues and everything.
The Spinto Band - Oh Mandy
The Spinto Band - Brown Boxes
Buy Nice And Nicely Done from HMV.
Other notable acts worthy of mention on the 18th include Kid Harpoon, The Rumble Strips, VV&TV, Buck 65 and BSP. Canadian blog iheartmusic covers The Cribs and Seal Cub Cubbing Club, both of whom also performed on the Thursday night.